Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Failing At Driving Blog Traffic? Free Blog Traffic Methods To Boost ...

driving blog trafficDriving blog traffic is not as complex and difficult as one may think. In fact, understanding what it takes to drive traffic is the easy part. Where most people fail to drive traffic comes from their lack of implementation. There are only two ways of driving blog traffic. 1) You can pay for it or 2) You can create free traffic organically. In this blog post I want to talk about creating free traffic using simple marketing methods anyone can use to boost visitors and sales.

If you learn how to do thing the right way, you can begin driving more blog traffic than you ever thought possible without spending money. Here?s some historical data of the increased traffic this site has seen since January of this year using methods I learned here and as you can see it?s going very well.

drive traffic
If there?s one thing every online marketer knows for sure ? without traffic, you have no sales, you make no money and your online business is sure to fail. And even with that said, 98% of people will continue to fail at driving blog traffic (traffic that makes a difference) to their business.

So why is it that so many people just do not grasp the action it takes to drive significant blog traffic to their sites?

The Secret behind the secret?.Yep, people always think that there is some big secret to driving blog traffic when in fact, every single traffic secret is out there waiting for you to simple use it.? There is no magic portal of traffic that you haven?t discovered yet, there is no traffic worm hole that will allow you to drive tons of visitors to your blog with a click of a button?but unfortunately this is what the majority of people are waiting around for?some super system that will deliver millions of visitors on autopilot.

I?ll be the first to tell you that you are chasing your tail. Are there systems that can help you drive blog traffic? Absolutely. But none of hem work if you don?t put the work behind it. And this ?work part? is where most people are getting tripped up.

Do you know that most of the methods I use to drive traffic work extremely well and always have done. Methods such as:-

  • Blogging (I?m a blogging beast)
  • Video Marketing (my second source of traffic behind Google)
  • Forum Marketing
  • Guest Blogging
  • Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Integration Marketing
  • Content Marketing (Docu-sharing)
  • Solo Ads (I just started toying around with this paid method)

Outside of Solo Ads, which I just started implementing within the last 30 days, every other method I use for driving blog traffic is FREE. I use these methods a lot and they work very well. Pick up any guide or product on traffic generation and you?ll discover the same. Look, people know these blog traffic methods work?but so many people don?t implement them because it takes work and they are looking for a traffic shortcut that makes building a profitable business online as easy as waking up in the morning.

You need to realize if you want to master driving blog traffic it?s going to take effort. PERIOD. There just isn?t a way to get around that?and if you don?t want to commit to the work, you might as well find something else to do, because success will continue to elude you. If you understand what I am telling you here, you are more than halfway there.

Failing At Driving Blog Traffic? Free Blog Traffic Methods To Boost Visitors

Know while driving blog traffic is the first step, it is not the only step. What you do with your visitors once they land on your site has a great impact on the income you can produce as well.

If you create a blog that has crap content, information no one can understand or use, and only screams, ?I don?t want to help you, I just want your money?, then what do you think is going to happen? Or if you create a product sales page that looks like a 12 year old put it together? What do you think is going to happen.

The visitor leaves within seconds never to return again. Another lost opportunity! Now imagine if that was happening hundreds, even thousands of times a day? It can have a devastated impact on your profits.

This is why you must put 100% effort into everything you create, from your content to your website. You want the visitor to immediately recognize the value you bring to the table and you want them to leave your blog or website wanting more. If you can accomplish this, then they will subscribe to your RSS feeds, they will opt-in to your mailing list, they will buy your products. Then you can begin developing? a relationship with that visitor which ultimately leads to repeat traffic and repeat sales.

Let me ask you, have you been to this blog before? The chances are you have and if you have you should get what I?m talking about.

So let me close with this. Driving blog traffic isn?t hard, as long as you understand getting traffic actually takes you rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. If you are not willing, prepared or able to work then you need to find another profession ? because successful online entrepreneur is not in your future.? Secondly, when a visitor lands on your blog, make sure they have a positive experience. They should know within seconds if your site is going to benefit them. If you fail to deliver, they will ail to return.

Ok Andrea, I get that and I am prepared to put some work in, what?s next?

My advice would be to stop doing everything that is not working for you and stop it right now. It?s time to get back to the fundamentals. If you already know what works,get back to the basics. If you don?t why not check out Blog Traffic Bootcamp for a mere $7.00. I reveal every single blog traffic method I use that works for me and 98% of the methods are FREE. You will also find out how I managed to generate the type of traffic that can make a real difference in your business and in your life.



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